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Jun 4, 2008

Business Blueprint Sap project

Business Blueprint

This function documents the business processes in your company that you want to implement in the system. In a Business Blueprint for Projects, you create a project structure in which relevant business scenarios, business processes and process steps are organized in a hierarchical structure. You can also create project documentation and assign it to individual scenarios, processes or process steps. You then assign transactions to each process step, to specify how your business processes should run in your SAP systems.

The Business Blueprint is a detailed description of your business processes and system requirements. You can print it out.

You can continue to use the project documentation and the project structure that you create during the Business Blueprint, in the configuration and test organization phases.

When you configure your business processes, the system displays the Business Blueprint project structure. You can use the Business Blueprint project structure as a point of reference during configuration.

You can also display and edit the project documentation from the Business Blueprint phase, during configuration.

You base all test plans that you create during test organization, on the Business Blueprint project structure. The transactions that you assign to process steps in the Business Blueprint are put in test plans during test plan generation, and run as function tests to test the transactions.

You have created a project of type implementation, template, or upgrade, in the project administration.

Scope of the Business Blueprint Transaction Function

Create a project structure

Display the following documentation:

Documentation delivered by SAP, e.g. scenario descriptions

Documents from templates, e.g. from template projects

To be able to edit general documentation, copy it to the Project Documentation tab.
General Documentation

Assign documents to structure elements

Create, Change, Upload user documents
General Documentation in template projects

Project Documentation in all project types

Input administration data, e.g. project status, team members assigned, planned and actual resources

Assign transactions and programs to structure elements

Create, Display and Edit issues und messages

Display and Create a process graphic

Where-used list:

Use in user project

Use in other projects

Go to use by double-click
General Documentation

Project Documentation


General Functions Function

Change the sequence, hide or show tabs
Settings User-Specific

Translate project structure

For further information about translating document names for URLs, in your project, see Translating a Template
Goto Translation

Create/print a Business Blueprint document
Business Blueprint Create Blueprint Document

Assign document authorization
Assign authorizations in the Role (PFCG) and User Maintenance.

Create a Blueprint structure in the Structure tab, using predefined substructures.

Check the Business Blueprint structure, and the business scenarios, business processes and process steps it contains.

Decide which business scenarios, business processes and process steps you want to include in the Business Blueprint. You can enhance the processes and process steps, or adjust the names of individual processes to suit your company requirements.

Create project documentation to save in the Business Blueprint, in the Project Documentation tab.

Assign transactions to process steps in the Transactions tab. This specifies which transactions in the system correspond to the process steps in your enterprise.

Print the Business Blueprint document.

When the Business Blueprint is complete, you can start to set up the development system landscape.

You have specified a Business Blueprint. You can reuse the Business Blueprint and the project structure to configure and test your business processes.


kesava gundepudi said...

Sounds great..........

At last there is someone who comes on his own to help others and thinks about others future also. Really great to have such a person to seek guidance from especially when he says to feel free to ask for guidance.

These people are pathfinders for the newcomers like me and will be etched in my memory for long.

Long live..... Muzaffar

God Bless

kesava gundepudi said...

Sounds great..........

At last there is someone who comes on his own to help others and thinks about others future also. Really great to have such a person to seek guidance from especially when he says to feel free to ask for guidance.

These people are pathfinders for the newcomers like me and will be etched in my memory for long.

Long live..... Muzaffar

God Bless