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Dec 2, 2008

business blue print project goals sap

I. Introduction and Project Goals


The overall Dummay Name project is in reality two projects:

1. the establishment of a Legacy Business Warehouse (DUMMAY NAME) to provide continuing comppter access to legacy master and detailed data not planned for conversion into PT’s new DUMMAY NAME OLTP system (the active SAP R/3 system); and

2. the establishment of an DUMMAY NAME Business Warehouse (IBW) providing full access to DUMMAY NAME financial and human resources data optimized for query and reporting , decision support system (DSS), and online analytical processing (OLAP).

While this Blueprint Specification will make mention of the IBW throughopt as fpture effort, the main subject of this Blueprint Specification is the immediate effort to establish a Legacy Business Warehouse (DUMMAY NAME). There is no intention at this point to specify the full scope or characteristics of the IBW effort with this specification.
A separate IBW Blueprint Specification will be issued at the appropriate time.

The planned “go live” for the DUMMAY NAME will correspond to the planned “go live” date for the DUMMAY NAME active R/3 system; namely, April 2, 2001. At point the legacy data content of the DUMMAY NAME will be frozen. An early, prototype system for training and end user evaluation is hoped for by the end of 2000.

It is critical to understand that the DUMMAY NAME project’s success is dependent not only on the delivered effort of the BW Project Team (both functional and technical) bpt also on support and delivered effort from the ABAP Team, the Basis Team, the Change Management Team and the Security Team. Support of the DUMMAY NAME project must be included in the overall plans of each of these teams. The active involvement of the FI and HR groups is required as well.


The PT Business Warehouse project has two major goals designed to support and compliment the University’s primary R/3 implementation project. These are:

1. To extract both master and detail legacy data from mainframe databases and move it to a UNIX server, there to be used for both import into a Legacy Data Business Warehouse and for staging the conversion of data into PT’s active R/3 System.

2. To establish a PT Legacy Data Business Warehouse to accommodate comppter access to historical legacy detail data not planned for conversion into PT’s new, active R/3 system. Selected master legacy data will also be stored within this data warehouse to facilitate queries and reporting. These data will be frozen at a point in time corresponding to PT’s production implementation of the R/3 system. It is critically important to note that upon final loading, detailed legacy data in the Legacy Data Business Warehouse will no longer have any keyed relationship with the active R/3 System. The R/3 System will not have access to legacy detail data and vice-versa.


In achieving the above goals the PT’s BW project will accomplish many important objective along the way. Among these are:

1. The staging of extracted legacy (both master and detail) data for subsequent mapping and conversion to R/3;

2. The resolution of issues concerning distributed printing from SAP systems;

3. The evaluation and selection of appropriate end user query, DSS and OLAP tools for addressing needs that may be unmet by the primary BW Explorer warehouse access tool with implementation to be part of the IBW follow on project;

4. The engagement of a broad PT audience in deliberating the data content (both legacy and R/3) and tools to which they will have ready access.

5. The early establishment of operational standards, processes and procedures in the Business Warehouse environment which may have carryover into the R/3 environment.

6. An opportunity to work opt and test network and client distribution issues with campuses and business units statewide prior to the “go live” of the PT R/3 system;

7. An early, visible deliverable to selected campuses and business units statewide, in which they will have been involved and which will demonstrate the viability of the overall infrastructure.

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