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Dec 4, 2008

No Depreciation for a period of time

No depreciation for a period of time
If you have an asset which would not be used for production purposes for next six months as the plant is being closed.

Therefore you don't want to retire the asset and neither do you want depreciation to be carried out during these six months period.

Once the plant is opened, from then on, you want to execute the depreciation run.

You can utilize the Asset Shutdown feature on the Time-dependent tab of the asset master record.

Select the Asset Shutdown checkbox - create a time interval - Save.

If you cannot find the checkbox, it could be hidden :-

In AS02 click Environment -> Screen Layout -> Master data

Select the Screen Layout and click Logical Field groups
Select 3 - Time-dependent and click Field group rules
Tick Opt, Mnno and Sbno - Save

Optionally, you can set the Depreciation key in the Deprecation Area Tab.

You can also change the depreciation key to '0000' (No depreciation and no interest) for each of your depreciation books. Just make sure you have run depreciation up through the current month before doing so. When you are ready to put the asset back into service, reset the keys to their original values. The system will calculate no depreciation during the months where you have the key set to '0000'.

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